Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One destiny

I'm a 5ft Asian female and you know what, I have the same destiny as a 6ft 12 white man. We both have the same fate; me and you, wherever u r, whoever u are, you and I will end up in the same place. Dead. What I’m not crazy, it’s true.

We all have one destiny and that is to die. The truth is we live to die, and no matter what life we lead and how we lead it it's a guarantee, we will all get there, and we are getting there. We just get there differently... Like different routes to school or work - some of our journeys are long, some short, we cross different things in our paths, good, bad, ugly but in the end we reach a destination, however we get there.

I guess when you lose someone you love you start to realise ones purpose in life a little more, or in some cases a lot more. If we remembered our destiny more often then maybe we'd think twice about all the decisions we make, and maybe we'd try to better ourselves and maybe we'd prepared to reach our destination.

Life’s glories don’t mean anything, what we have, and our jobs our money in the end it doesn't stay with us because we move on and we leave it all behind. The only thing we take with us is our deeds. Good and bad, our deeds will clothe and shelter us. The only thing that matters of what we leave behind is the memory we leave with others, and what people have to say about us, our soul and our character. Whatever religion you are Christian, Hindu, Muslim we all believe the soul lives on so why we so fussed about what are disappears once where gone? And why aren’t we more focussed on what will always be with us and what counts? our soul. This world is just a preparation for what is to come and the only things the world can give us that’s worth anything is charity prayer and humbleness, because the body you dress and walk in isn't you. That dies with death, as soon as we are buried our bodies disintegrate, it’s only the soul that lives on. So why act as if it’s not going to happen to you? Because it will, I promise. Wake up and face the truth of the world, open your eyes and realise ignorance is not bliss; because you will pay you will pay for being ignorant. Prepare for the inevitable. We all have our sell by dates, you may not know it but it’s coming its coming soon

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Its been a long time

I know it’s been a while since i posted anything here those of you who know me well enough will know I haven’t really had the time, but here i am 11:00 at night thinking. Would you understand if I said I don’t know what to write? Not because i have nothing to say, but because there’s so much to say I don’t know how to say it or where to begin. Well firstly let me promote my newest blog finding your deen For those budding Muslims or anyone who wants a religious take on things; that’s going to be a great blog, and if you know nothing about Islam still look and maybe learn About us. X

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