Monday, December 20, 2010

Think before you speak

It’s like a shock to the system, when you hear someone say something so out of order, you just think do you even realise what you're saying? We are all prone to mistakes, its human nature, but in some cases people are just ignorant to right and wrong.

 What comes out of your mouth has an impact on those who are listening, words are powerfull. We can do a lot of things merely on the words we say, speech and writing gives humans the power to persuade, advice and pass on information. You can reveal inner thoughts with the words you speak. Your words count for something, after all world elections are won and lost on the communication between people.

When someone is in need of comfort and companionship, your words can be like a helping hand to people, cloaking their fears. When people are down your words can give them the strength to smile and laugh through humour and appreciation. But your words can also be like bullets to a heart, when not thought through. Don't be ignorant to other people’s feelings, and the next time you chose to use your power; think, and use it wisely.

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