Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Anti Facebookism

Ok so what’s my beef with Facebook??

First and foremost I think social networks are killing human interaction. I mean all of a sudden every ones taken the lazy man's route and talking via invisible 'walls' what happens to let me sit on the wall outside your house and talk or let’s sit in the four walls of your room and catch up. . . I mean what is this really?

To me Facebook is the ultimate zone of Fakeness.
People sit there accepting friend requests from people they don’t even know or never even talk to. But WHY? Just to build an image, a profile of people whom are supposedly included in your life? Most of which you don't actually like or care for. So why do people feel the constant need to update people of no real meaning to us on our lives?
Why relay your business? What happened to private life?

And why pretend your friends with someone when you are clearly not. It's true isn't it?
And why do people feel like it’s necessary to have Facebook?

This so called reason to keep in touch via Facebook in my opinion is a load of CRAP. Why? Because hello anyone you where bothered to keep in contact with you can call text or go visit. What were people doing before Facebook was around? And what were people doing before mobile phones were around? It’s called let’s talk Face to Face. And let’s be honest without Facebook how many people on your 'friends list' would you actually be bothered to talk to? So why are people pretending?

Why do you need it?

Allot of us are wasting away in front of Facebook, clicking the refresh button to see if someone’s made an update, but why do we approve of this? It’s virtually
STALKING. Why do we approve of someone checking our page every 5 mins to see what where doing and not approve of them following us around? Isn't it the same thing?
Do you know what else I hate about Facebook... the way people pretend; they pretend to be people there not. There so focused on making the most interesting status or dramatic wall comment they lose themselves in who they want everyone to think they are. People are too busy creating this image of themselves on this Internet page, one the world is open to see, but why don't they take the time to build the image in there character? Why does everything have to be so public all of a sudden?
I mean people even argue over Facebook isn't this the type of thing that should happen behind closed doors or walls or whatever. People moan about others being in their business yet they publicly display it.

And the VANITY! People post albums upon albums of themselves posing in front of their camera. Why is that necessary to show everyone? Especially when half the people on your friends list you don’t know!?

Facebook is the feeding ground for paedophiles and perverts. FACT

I think people should stop pretending over Facebook and get back to the real way of communication, don’t just display yourself through the statuses and groups you join.

Find your real friends. And keep out of business that isn't your business to mind.

Life is not a show!! SO GET REAL!

P.S. one in five U.S divorces Involve FACEBOOK!