Thursday, December 01, 2011

Everyone deserves a chance

We've all met that person that gives off a vibe and a half. You automatically assume that they are not worth talking to, they'll annoy you, they'll be rude, or something along the lines of it just is not worth it.
But what makes you think you are right?
You don't like their face?
Reason much?
People said things, I heard things, I'm pretty sure
Heard it all before
In my own head lol.

But it's amazing how some people can prove us so wrong, judging others is inevitable but sometimes our judgement can be wrong, just the way other people can judge us wrongly. I think everyone deserves the chance to prove themselves to you, without anything else besides what they say and do to you being what counts. Open your eyes and Open your minds. At least you can't Say you tried even if they prove you right.

Be that person

I can’t speak for everyone, but I know that I love making people happy. It makes me happier than anything, than doing something that I know will make someone smile or saying something that makes someone laugh, brings light to my day.

No one goes through life being happy every second of the day and everyone has their own problems and pain, and being that person that helps someone, anyone, everyone feel even a little bit better about themselves makes everything better for everyone because the world is a sweeter place when people are smiling. And you can be that reason, why it is, be that person who makes someone’s day, say something nice do something nice and I promise you'll never regret it. Be the light you wish to see in the world.

Dont let anyone bring you down

Something I've seen a lot of recently is people knocking people down. So what if you are dreaming big!?

Your dreams are your dreams and that's what makes you, don't ever let it break you. Don't let people tell you that you cant do something that you Know you can do. Because You know Yourself better than anyone does.
And if anyone ever tries to tell you, that you can't do what You know you can and want to do, let it drive you and inspire you to meet and beat that dream. Because it can be done. And only you can make it so.

Never give up on happiness

That feeling like everything and everyone is against you, and nothing can go right can sometimes be over whelming and makes it so difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel.

I know its cliche and I know it can be irritating when people are saying, things will get better and don't worry, it'll all work out, because all you want to say is No it Wont. and Stop telling me it Will.

 Life does that to us, it throws bricks and stones and bruises us. And we bleed. I know that pain, and I know that low. Thinking nothing and no one can do anything to make any of this better, because its me and life's just out to get me.
But it isn't and it isn't out to get you either, and I'm not saying that everything is going it be easy or we'll wake up and rainbows and butterflies will appear and every dark aspect of our lives will disappear , because that's not life. But I can say some way and some how you'll find happiness no matter what the situation and how low you go,  don't give up because the more open we are to finding happiness the easier it'll be to get to us. And it's out there for everyone some way through some door the light will get brighter. Just take the steps or in some cases take the push.

All you can do is hold on and be patient, because things will get better. :)
