Friday, March 16, 2012

Everything happens for a reason

It's easy to dream of a world in which we achieve everything we want. It's also easy for the dream to not occur. But that doesn't mean it wasn't for the better. I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, I guess it's partly my faith that leads me to believe that there's a bigger plan a bigger picture that actions are Fate and something's have to happen and something's just can’t happen. People walk into our lives for a reason, to serve a purpose. Love or hate them, be it a good or a bad reaction to those who come in to our focus, they're here for a reason. And we are here to learn from the presence of those around us. People come to help you through difficult times, to teach you knew things or to be an example. They may help you to learn that their way is the wrong way, but nevertheless there was a reason.

And if we do not get the things we thought we would in life it may be to let You find something better For you.

Things happen for a purpose and just live it, try to love it or at least learn from it.

Friday, March 09, 2012

The power of words

Words are a powerfull tool. Infact if I were to say otherwise it would totally contradict the relevence of my blog.

Words are intricate and adaptable, they can be used in situations to motivate and provide solace for others. We use words to express our thoughts and feelings. We use words to communicate.

But do we just use words? Or are we also acting upon them?

Words hold less of a significance when they are not backed up with actions. It is easy to say things, it is not as easy to do things.

My question is, do the meaning of your words hold the same meaning without acting upon them?
To say you care for, love or will be there for an individual, do you act upon your words? Or are they just words?
Words can be said in the moment, with the littlest effort. Actions however, prevail.
In a world of cyber connections, we intereact through words more than physical actions or presence. But how far can words take us? If we do not act upon them.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Hope is sensitive

It's hard to fight our emotional connections with situations and people. Thoughts can be prevented through distraction and procrastination but emotions are existent and merely suppressed or expressed. More often than not I find myself hoping for something although my mind tells me not to. It's hard to prevent yourself from wanting what you desire. But the hope and faith we have is sensitive to failure. It's not an expectation it’s your heart telling you what it really wants. And when what we hope for fails to occur, that is the hurt that is suffered. Whether it is the failure of achievement or the breakdown in relationships. We all hope for something and when it does not occur we feel it. Our hopes are sensitive and our hearts are very much involved.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Overcoming mistakes

Justifying our mistakes to make ourselves feel better about what we've done, isn't the right way to prevent ourselves from
Making that mistake again. The nature of personality causes many of us to be stubborn and hard headed we often see one side to our situation, naive as we are we hate to be told we are wrong and we hate to accept that we have made a mistake. We want to be right and we will attempt to make it so. But having the courage to admit you are wrong is the groundings of maturity and fortitude. The ability to recognise ones mistakes and strive to overcome them and work for a better future is the road worth being on. Be open minded be aware and be fulfilled.