Thursday, April 19, 2012


I guess you could say the entirety of my blog is based on advice, inspiration, motivation. I want to encourage people to do something positive with their lives, to try and be someone better then they were yesterday. Or to think deeper and feel sincerely.

I like to think I offer advise to some in need.

But I am no master, I know no answers . I don't even take my own advice sometimes. I deliberate, I over think and calculate my response to life. More often then not I face a challenge and walk away simply because I am to afraid to fail it.

I don't take my own advice. And I question why you should to?

I encourage everyone to think for themselves and form their own opinion to be their own mind. That doesn't mean I am right in any way. Do not simply form an opinion based on mine, after all I don't even believe in my own thoughts at times.

But do think into your own mind and find your own beliefs, be more than who you are already and lead a life filled with advice you can give yourself. Because only you know yourself that well.
You are what you make yourself.

We live alone

We never really know the truth behind a persons smile. We never really know the depth of someone's pain. We can never truly identify the happy and the unhappy from what we see. We can never even do so from what we hear.

The world in which we live we live alone. There are things we think we know, and there is the unknown.

I don't doubt the individual pain we feel that we may not express. I commend the smiles we surface through the distresses of our day. I admire the bravery we adhere to when we chose to face our troubles alone.

I believe in the people we are and that our lives will remain unknown.

What I live, is not what you think you see. What you live is not what I think I see.