Wednesday, July 28, 2010

There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.

I honestly wish I could say I was an optimist, I think I used to be, but now i'm really not sure.

I mean if you expect the worst, whats the worse that can happen?
You dont expect anything you cant be dissapointed with what you get.

We often get dissapointed when things we care for or are passionate about dont pull through. And When people we care about let us down.

Some times that pain isn't worth it.

So what could be the worst in expecting the worst?

Well thats me, thats where lifes brought me.

Do I think everyone should be like that, no probably not, but you have to say it makes a heck of a lot of sence.

But then again - I am afraid of dissapointment, the question is .. are you ?