Monday, December 20, 2010

Think before you speak

It’s like a shock to the system, when you hear someone say something so out of order, you just think do you even realise what you're saying? We are all prone to mistakes, its human nature, but in some cases people are just ignorant to right and wrong.

 What comes out of your mouth has an impact on those who are listening, words are powerfull. We can do a lot of things merely on the words we say, speech and writing gives humans the power to persuade, advice and pass on information. You can reveal inner thoughts with the words you speak. Your words count for something, after all world elections are won and lost on the communication between people.

When someone is in need of comfort and companionship, your words can be like a helping hand to people, cloaking their fears. When people are down your words can give them the strength to smile and laugh through humour and appreciation. But your words can also be like bullets to a heart, when not thought through. Don't be ignorant to other people’s feelings, and the next time you chose to use your power; think, and use it wisely.

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

To a good friend

I just want to write this post for my dear friend Simba... You've always encouraged my work and supported my writing, you believed and you followed like a loyal friend, and if its only you reading i'd be happy to update every day. We all adore you because your a good friend to everyone and you support us all. It takes a big heart to constantly tweet celebs to shout out for your friends and you never give up. Your trully caring and very sweet and lots of people can learn from your down to earth nature. When wrong is wrong and right is right your not afraid to stand up for what you believe in and i admire you. There is noone like you and you cannot be forgotten. I think all my readers should reflect some aspects of your personality and also not be afraid to speak there minds, being open and being emotional is what makes you insprational, open your minds and hearts and be ready to change yourself and change other people. Support the people and around you and they'll be ready to catch you if you fall..

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Exam stress

Dear OCR/Edexcel/AQA/WJEC/Any other exam board, you guys seriously have the worst jobs everrrrrrr bringing such misery to our lives. Why oh why do you do it?

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As time goes by...

We age, we grow, we shrink, we lose, we gain, we experience, Time is no man’s friend, and he waits for none of us and spares no one. We make plans for tomorrow and we don’t know if we'll make it through today. A young boy recently a friend of a friend, bought his first car you know, he was excited and we know how young guys are with cars. So he didn’t know much about the car but he drove it down the motor way and the brakes stopped. Now he's in a coma. He's half dead, and times going on while he's still half alive. Did he know this would happen to him? Do you think any of us will know? We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, if it even comes. So live moments as if it could be your last, doing the things you would if you knew it was.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

The only person worth trusting is yourself

Your the only one that will always be there.
Your the only one that listens to everything you have to say.
Your the only one who can emphathise with what your feeling.
Your the only one to understand.
Your the only one that wont let you down.

My English is Blah.

I guess i have writers block?
Well i want to write and I have allot to say, It's hard though sometimes to say things in words isn't it?

Sometimes we over think what we want to say or write and comes out wrong, and not how we imagined it.

I've been trying to use my brain and find a quote or a starting point for things i want to say, because i try to relate what i write; about to life, to you and to me. I try to help.

But for this post I'm just going to try something new and speak straight at you, as if your here, and I'm not thinking.
It might not be perfect english, it might not even make sence. But it came from the heart.

Free thinking and Freedom fo speech, we all have the right to say what we want and feel how we feel. So they say.

I'm not the best writer in the world, I dont always have something clever to say, or something meaningfull. But thats not my purpose, yes i'd love to speak to you elequently and say something to make you thinkg 'Hey, that really makes sence'
But life doesn't make sence, and thats reality. There's things from left right and center all thrown into one. So sometimes i'll throw things at this from all four corners, and some times i wont make sence, but thats life.

And aslong as i can make you feel something or think something i've made a difference.
If you dont like what i say you dont have to come back, you have choice. I dont know how many of you do come back and who my loyal readers are. Another part of life, is not knowing. You'll never know what lifes going to bring to your door step till it comes.

No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched

George Jean Nathan

Angry people do things they regret, think things they shouldn't and say things they cant take back.

I'd say don't act on anger but its hard not to. Especially when your anger is over-riding.

A friend of mine always says not to say things when your angry, because chance are you'll regret them.

But emotions aren't always controlable, and sometimes acting on the anger is the only thing you can do to rid of it.

No man can think clearly when his fists are clecnched. Those who understand will understand. Those who dont wont.

All you can do is re-think whether the actions we take when we are angry will come back to haunt us.

Its necessary, but its hard.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

If tomorrow never comes I want you to know I forgive you

There comes a point when I dont think I need to say it anymore, because you should know.
Even if I dont come to tell you personally, it doesn't meant I havn't.

Just because I dont talk to you, doesn't mean I dont remember you. It doesn't even mean I dont want to.

You'll know what it means.

Dont think I hate you, I couldn't even if I wanted to.

x x x

Let me reinforce I cant spell well

If you dont read this blog in order *coughAshcough* You would have missed that I cant Spell post! So dont judge me coz I cant spell, coz you know I REALLY CANT!
Still Read on :)

Much Love xx

If you have a Uni degree you can be absolutely sure of one thing... you have a Uni degree

The next two years of our lives those of you my age of cource:)
Is about getting to university. Right?

A-Levels! A-Levels!

So stressfull, So important

But Why? Becasue if you dont have uni degree your like, so dumb right?
And you have no hope in life?

Oh well. Degree's are so over-rated, i work in a shoe shop with people who have degrees! I've only got my GCSE'S!!! What The Hell does that tell you?

Having a Degree means you have a degree, it doesnt mean you have job, it doesnt mean your going to be rich, it doesnt mean everyone will think your AMAZING! It just means you got a degree!

So dont cry, dont kill yourself over something that really is not the be all and end all. Having a degree doesn't make anything certain. Its not the bloody ticket to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!! Theres more to getting somewhere than having a degree. Not saying it's bad to have one, there is just more to Life. Kay?

Good :)