Friday, December 10, 2010

My English is Blah.

I guess i have writers block?
Well i want to write and I have allot to say, It's hard though sometimes to say things in words isn't it?

Sometimes we over think what we want to say or write and comes out wrong, and not how we imagined it.

I've been trying to use my brain and find a quote or a starting point for things i want to say, because i try to relate what i write; about to life, to you and to me. I try to help.

But for this post I'm just going to try something new and speak straight at you, as if your here, and I'm not thinking.
It might not be perfect english, it might not even make sence. But it came from the heart.

Free thinking and Freedom fo speech, we all have the right to say what we want and feel how we feel. So they say.

I'm not the best writer in the world, I dont always have something clever to say, or something meaningfull. But thats not my purpose, yes i'd love to speak to you elequently and say something to make you thinkg 'Hey, that really makes sence'
But life doesn't make sence, and thats reality. There's things from left right and center all thrown into one. So sometimes i'll throw things at this from all four corners, and some times i wont make sence, but thats life.

And aslong as i can make you feel something or think something i've made a difference.
If you dont like what i say you dont have to come back, you have choice. I dont know how many of you do come back and who my loyal readers are. Another part of life, is not knowing. You'll never know what lifes going to bring to your door step till it comes.