Dont let anyone defy who you are, dont be dependent on others to justify who you are, you are your own man..
We are born alone, we will die alone, the point of stories is the journey from the begging to the end. The begining and end of humanity is always certain, the journeys are what differ. Yes we can overlap journies with others, but we are always going on our own journey. No matter what your life involves you will always be going through it alone. No other man can hear your thoughts, no other man can feel your feelings, so why do we let others defy us? why do we rely on others to make us who we are? friends and family help us grow as people to become who we become, and love and care is a beautifull thing. But indulgence and reliance can hinder ones progress with themselves. To be happy and to be comfortable you must first be happy with yourself, you must first be happy alone