Monday, July 18, 2011

Silent gratitude isn't very much to anyone.

Gratitude is a beautiful things, its a simple way of letting people know that they and their efforts are appreciated, yet many of us fail to show our gratification.

Many people will sacrifice for our well being and do things to benefit us more then themselves. We are happy to except the courtesy and live by our preference but we fail to recognise that our gratitude should be displayed to reward the people around us for their selflessness.

I'm not saying people do nice things so that they can be thanked, but its nice to feel like what you do is appreciated.

So some reciprocation in effort and gratitude is not to much to ask because one day the people who sacrifice for us may not be here and we will only be left with the regret for not showing them how grateful we where.

Keeping gratitude to yourself is no benefit to anyone.