The thing about the society we live in is that from a young age we get told what people expect from us.
It is fed into our minds that if we do not achieve past an extent we are failures. We are not worthy of good jobs, good lifestyles, nice things or happy lives. We are taught through the school system that if we dont get GCSE's or A Levels or Degree's that we have no chance at success or happinness. Careers are everything and Money is motivation.
But what I want to ask is whether that process of endless education in subject matters that torture our brains, to the point of not wanting to set foot into the classrooms or wake up that morning to see a teacher who will undoubtadly pick on you or give you another peice of work you do not want to do, is worth it?
If by the end of it you are deciding to take a subject to another level because you are told its what people want, when you dont want it yourself. Are you happy?
By the end of the long learning process will you feel happy with what you have? Will you feel motivated by happiness to go on to look for a job related to the subject you spent years hating.
Once you have the money will you feel unfullfilled and pointless?
Will your days drag on? Will you regret, and hope for a simpler life or one where you just had what you wanted and not what you were told you needed?
Not everyone will feel the same way, I'm sure there are many people who enjoy what they study,
and who will find great happinness in what they choose to do. But for that group of people who are forcing themselves to stay in a frame of work or education that they are not happy doing, is this worth it?
Is it worth being unhappy just to please society, to please the bank account, and to please everyone that told you it was the right thing when you knew it wasnt?
I'm tired of people telling me what I should want or should do, what everyone does and what is meant to happen. Why should it be? Why should I be? Why cant I be?
I just want to be happy.
If it means going against the norm and doing what feels right I will do it. The things we buy in this world will be left behind, its the memories we make, the feelings we have, the people we were that remain. The thoughts of yourself that you left with others, let that thought be one where you were happy and content with the life you Owned.
You own your life, not your teachers, family or friends. Yes their presence is important but they have their own lives to run, and their own happiness to find. So you Just Do what makes you happy.