Sunday, November 24, 2013

This is a man's world

How does a women assert her power in this world, to show the man she is his equal? 

I recently had a conversation with someone about the way men shouldn't open doors for women, or offer them a seat on trains before themselves. 

One of her reasons were that women don't need men to offer them the privileges that imply we are the weaker specie. It somehow dignifies women if we can deny the need for chivalry.

I appreciate the feminist quality that is growing through society, to say I don't embrace elements of feminism would be a lie as I clearly have what is refereed to as 'Tinkerbell syndrome', but what my question to the budding feminists of the world is-  Does chivalry really deny women their equality?

To me it seems that women, in their bid to assert their power and strength are denying their naturally given rights. Rather then allowing chivalry they are sacrificing their privileges for a man's benefit, because who really benefits when the man takes the seat over the women? Or when the man watches on while the women struggles with the shopping bags? Or when a mother works full time?

Yes, you can question what makes us more deserving then the man, what makes it right that we should have these privileges that imply our physical inferiority or fatigue and frailty. But what made us deserve the right to bare a child? Or the right to be the smaller gender? Or the more emotional gender?

Women are a man's equal, but they are only equal because of their differences. For a women to take on the role of the man absolutely, only denies her the right to be equal, because it is in our autonomy to bare that responsibility that the man will never have. The women is the child barer, it is she that must nurture the child in her womb and it is she who has oestrogen running through her body. Till the man can do what a women is obliged to do, we will never be the same. We can never have equal roles in this world, and by attempting to do merge roles we seemingly make our role larger then our male counter-parts.

But we can do is cancel out each others differences by identifying that what is one's weakness may be anthers strength.

So why deny yourself the right to be equal? Why not accept that we are women, and we need different things from a man, things he doesn't need from us, because until our autonomy changes we will never be the same as them, we can only be their equal.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happiness is with those that want nothing

The 'poor' want to be 'rich', the 'rich' want to be 'richer'. The 'ugly' want 'beauty' the 'beautiful' want to be more 'beautiful'.

We find ourselves longing for things we think will make us happy and without those things we dwell on what we wish we had.

The more we have the more we want, so to associate your happiness with what you want only leaves you with one option. Unhappiness-

So what is the cure for unhappiness? It is not what we think we want that will make us happy, it is what we already have and what we are given as life goes on.

When all you want is to live another day, you can only be happy. Because for each day you awake you will be happy to have what is already there. Be it what others may or may not define as success or wealth- so long as you do not want more, you will never find yourself longing for what will make you happy.

You must simply be happy with living and with what life gives you. For the time we spend wanting what we do not have, we lose in appreciating what we do.

The longing for things that will make us happy is a never ending cycle of wanting.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Steve Jobs a man of wisdom

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”