It was an interesting way of saying we don't always get back what we put in. Life isn't always a balanced scale; it will tip one way or another.
Sometimes you can give and give, and receive none. You can try and try and achieve none.
But why do we give, when we know we won’t receive?
Because we want to, we want to make the effort, we want to say yes i did all i can do, you want to give to people you want to put a smile across someone’s face, you don't want them to feel down or uncared for. You want to put that effort, because you want to do as well as you can, you want it give it your all.
Because if you’re not giving your all, why give at all?
Is it wrong to expect something in return? Doesn't everyone want to feel like they haven't just wasted there time, because time is precious. And each second past won’t come back again.
But in life we don't always get something in return, yes its reality, but to me it’s a sad reality.
Because we don't get what we deserve, or we get more than we do. And it’s unfair, unfair that good people are hurt and bad people are happy.
And i believe everyone should have that balance scale where what goes around truly comes back around. Good or bad.