Monday, August 16, 2010

Test your Faith, because your Faith will test you .

I cant tell you what you what to believe, even if i did.... would you believe it ? You could say you believe it, and you can act as if you do believe it.

But do you honestly have Faith ?

Faith is more than just words, its more than going by what your told or taught, its more than what you practice. Faith is a belief in something, A belief that's so strong you need no solid evidence to prove it correct, because your gut and your instinct tell you it is right.

Faith is more than the words you say, its the trust in the words you say. Its more than the things you do, it's the meaning to the things we do.


The ultimate faith one can have, is the faith in their religion.

But can religion be proven? I'm saying it cant.
It cant be proven.

In today's society we don't believe something till we see the evidence or, we don't believe something unless we see it. Every scientific theory is put in experiment to be proven.

So how do we prove the existing of God?

Is their an experiment we can do? How do we find God?

We cant see him, hear him, or feel him.

So How do we know he's real, When we cant physically prove it. ?

Well I can tell you what I believe, and how i would answer these questions-

God speaks through us, his people. What we do and say was made by him. He needs no voice, we are the voice. We are the result of his wishes. He asked for us to be us and we are us. We are proof he has a voice.

We see him, through his world, the world we live in. The sky's, the oceans, the stars, the moon, the things we cant explain. The sights that take our breath away. That's God, That's what he drew out. That's what he made. He is indescribable. That's how we see him.

We feel him, through the emotions we feel. An emotion is not solid, you cant touch it with your hand, you feel it from within, its something from nothing, how is that possible? How do we feel sad and feel happy? Who made these emotion, and how do we come to feel it? Its not something out of the big bang theory or something artificial. God made it, God gave us the ability to do the unbelievable. We can feel things, that aren't there to be seen.

Does that prove God exists? Well that's up to you to decide.

Everyone questions God and religion, some are completely understandable. People ask why are women oppressed? Why do i have to do that? Or wear that? Some people question himself! They'll ask what God would create monster's, and let innocent people get hurt?..

Can i give you the answer you are looking for? Probably not.
Because it's not right that little children are abused, or mothers a murdered, and families left on the streets, no its not right that things like this happen! But God did let it happen. So what does that say? Is God punishing people for no reason, what are his intentions?

I don't think anyone can give you the perfect answer. But i can only use my faith to find an answer to give, because in my faith i believe

My views on Faith ...

Your faith cant be fit around your beliefs, Your beliefs have to fit around your Faith. What do i mean ?
You cant chose to believe in a part of a religion and not the other, you cant because it doesn't work that way. When you find that faith you have to look into it and take your answers. Believe in every part of it, because if you don't, you don't believe in it at all.

So i was asked what kind of God will let an innocent person be abused?

To find my answer i looked within my faith, And i remembered something that's believed in my religion .. .. .. Those who suffer the most on Earth will suffer the least hereafter.

For some of you this wont be a good enough justification but for me it is , my faith has told me what to believe and i believe in this. I believe in Gods reasoning, and i except it. I look at what my religion tells me and i understand it, It strengthens my faith because i see reason in Gods actions.

I see good, in that someone who suffers this pain on the temporary Earth, will be given that mercy in the eternal hereafter.

Everyone questions their faith, I have. But Some of us are scared to ask questions, questions that make it seem like your doubting your religion. You aren't obliged to believe what your told.

God has given us the ability to chose, chose between right and wrong. That's why he created the Devil, he gave us the choice to believe or to not believe. Yes He told you it was right to believe, but he still gave you the choice to not believe. With that He also gave you the ability to question, and to test. So tell me Why are you scared to ask questions ?

Remember we are only scared to ask the questions that we fear the answer of. If you truly believe, you will not fear the answer. Being told to believe is not believing.

So Test your faith, do not be afraid to.
After all isn't your faith testing you everyday?
Aren't we constantly asked to prove our beliefs, by practicing. So why don't you ask your beliefs to prove that they are the beliefs to follow.

We have the right to ask questions,? We have the right to doubt and wonder. Because if we do not attempt to answer these questions or face that doubt, how do we know what we believe in? To not ask, is not believing, it's acting as if you believe. Don't be afraid to open your mouth and ask, after all God knows whats going on in your head : ) So who are you fearing? Your friends, your piers, your family, your priest?

If you have the faith, you will not be afraid to ask, because you know you believe in the answer's your faith gives you. Your beliefs must adjust around your Faith, Your faith cant adjust around your beliefs.

I'm not preaching my faith, I'm asking you to ask yourself if your faith is there?