Sunday, February 05, 2012

I'm happy being different :-)

In a society where popularity and image is everything. I think a lot of the time when people look at me they expect me to be something like everyone else. Then I talk... And what be known I'm not.
It’s easy to get caught up in one self these days, and being 'cool' and 'hard' is something so many of us spend so  much time trying to be. But what is 'cool' and what are you trying to be exactly?

Why do we spend time trying to be what others tell us we should be? I never gave in to what everyone told me I should be. It’s just too wrong being everyone else, and not being you.
It really annoys me when I hear people talking about other people, by thinking they are somehow better then everyone because they have the image or are 'cool' 'popular' 'everyone knows me' and 'everyone wants to be me'.

Well I have news for those people. I don't. Being 'known' or being what you think is the 'fun' or 'swag' or 'cool' or 'hard' way to be is not what 'cool' or 'swag' to me. And living like you wish you were on The Only Way's Essex is not what we all envy.
Now, I'm not going to judge you for what you do, or who you are. Because you are entitled to live how wish... if that's how you want to live. But I'd appreciate people more if they did not assume superiority over others because they think they are 'It'.
Looks fade, reputations die, you remain, and the people that like you for you stay with you. Sometimes we have to leave the bubble of superficial and really understand who we are as people, and appreciate what the different people have to offer. Don't just stick to the group of people that 'look good'.

To that person who wants to take on the world :)

I never told my friend I was going to write this post about her, and she probably never expected me to ever take to the stage and do so. But I used to write about the people in my life that inspire me to be who I am, and those that live in a way that should inspire others. It’s often hard to put a character into words, and I think for this person I will find it hard to describe the sheer enthusiasm and power this character has.

I have never met a person so willing and encouraging, and so ready to take on the world. She comes with many quirks I assure you but her belief is so inspiring I wish I could bottle it and show it to every person that walks past. My amazing friend UJ :) this is for you...

It amazes me the way I get the random messages from you and the way you come up to me telling me how you want to be the next Internet phenomenon and start something that takes the world by storm. The faith you have is inspiring and it honestly makes me want to take the world on with you. I've never met anyone so determined to make something of them, and you've proved too many of us that you are more than capable of creating a society or two :)

Besides your sensational faith in yourself... I completely adore your faith in others.. I know I once told you I wish that I have a child like you that is because the true love you have for other people is beautiful for me. I've had many friends encourage me to do things and be things, but I have to be honest and say no one has ever made me feel as encouraged as you have. You seem to see something in people that most people miss, and I know even with few words said, you have an understanding and faith in me that makes me want to be everything you think I can be. So thank you for having a faith in me, and believing I can do things I didn't think I could do. Thank You for helping me find myself. And thank you for being You.

And don't forget me when you take on the world :) and win... or better yet Lets not forget to take on the world together.

Much love :) xxxxx

My untitled post :-)

I know I haven't blogged in a very long time and I am really sorry for that, because I have noted I have now hit over 2000 hits. So I am very grate full for those of you that regularly check this and indulge in the words I splurge when I am on rant. I know most of my readers are from the U.S. and Germany and it amazes me that the things I say can reach people from across the world, and actually matter or mean something to you. I guess it proves that words have power and influence that no one can put true value to. Words are permanent and the Internet makes it infinite. For many years to come everything I've written will stay encapsulated on this one html coding that preserves that moment in time I  was inspired and I'll forever be able to return to who I was at that time and what I was thinking. Its beautifull the way in which technology has helped us to improve and find who we are. I know when I first began this blog  I was on a mission. ANTIFACEBOOKISM. and I am still very much anti facebook.. but I think blogging has helped me become more than just that girl that hates facebook, although have I been recommended by various anti facebook threads. LOL. I'm happy just to inspire, if I can inspire one person I'm happy. making a difference in the world these days is hard, because many of us are set in stone with opinions, and why wouldn't we be? To an opinion we are entitled. But having the ability to change an opinion or to even get someone to think. I am grateful for. And Thank You to the Internet for allowing the world to be intertwined in this way.

P.S. I am sorry for the irrelevance of this post I just felt like writing to you all :)