Sunday, February 05, 2012

My untitled post :-)

I know I haven't blogged in a very long time and I am really sorry for that, because I have noted I have now hit over 2000 hits. So I am very grate full for those of you that regularly check this and indulge in the words I splurge when I am on rant. I know most of my readers are from the U.S. and Germany and it amazes me that the things I say can reach people from across the world, and actually matter or mean something to you. I guess it proves that words have power and influence that no one can put true value to. Words are permanent and the Internet makes it infinite. For many years to come everything I've written will stay encapsulated on this one html coding that preserves that moment in time I  was inspired and I'll forever be able to return to who I was at that time and what I was thinking. Its beautifull the way in which technology has helped us to improve and find who we are. I know when I first began this blog  I was on a mission. ANTIFACEBOOKISM. and I am still very much anti facebook.. but I think blogging has helped me become more than just that girl that hates facebook, although have I been recommended by various anti facebook threads. LOL. I'm happy just to inspire, if I can inspire one person I'm happy. making a difference in the world these days is hard, because many of us are set in stone with opinions, and why wouldn't we be? To an opinion we are entitled. But having the ability to change an opinion or to even get someone to think. I am grateful for. And Thank You to the Internet for allowing the world to be intertwined in this way.

P.S. I am sorry for the irrelevance of this post I just felt like writing to you all :)