Friday, August 13, 2010

Before you start pointing your finger look at your hands and see if their clean

People , we love to blame others most of us won’t want to admit we are in the wrong, most of us will sit and argue and argue to justify themselves to try and prove that they are right. They point the finger, there ready to blame, but never ready to admit. Most of the time you know you’re wrong, you just don't want to accept it, you won’t want to believe it’s your fault, you don't want to feel as if it was your fault.

But it’s wrong, it’s wrong to blame another when you’re at fault too. The only way to move past a situation is to see the situation for what it is. To admit your faults, to repent, to forgive, and to look past. This is the only way to move on

As humans we are equal, no one has the right to blame or to judge another person until they have judged themselves.

Ask yourself the next time you are ready to point the blame, or to judge someone Else's behaviour, are my hands clean? or metaphorically speaking, am i wearing gloves ?

Do not cover your fault. Let them out and they will not burden you.

Remember you cannot hide from the truth.