Monday, August 02, 2010

We take our anger out on the people closest to us, because they're the easiest to reach .

- Original quote

Everyone takes the anger out on the person or people they are closest to. I strongly believe that, I think we all do it.

Subconsciously or consciously we take our anger out on our nearest and dearest.

But why?

I have a theory that, we all know the person closest to us is the easiest to reach to, the easiest to be angry with, the easiest to express yourself with, the easiest to hurt, and the easiest to forgive you.

There easy to reach, and hard to push away.
They'll take it, and we know it. They'll forgive us, and most probably understand... We know this and as humans we use it.

I like to think of it this way, it makes me feel better when I know someone takes there anger out on me, and it makes me feel better when I know I take my anger out on someone.

We only feel confident enough to test the strongest of our relationships, because its human nature to not want to fail.