Monday, August 02, 2010

What am I capable of?

So I have temperamental issues, I get wound up by certain things easily or certain people. Inside me I feel like there is an anger that could be unleashed, sometimes when i'm angry enough I feel like I could kill.

I heard somewhere once that only 5% of people are capable of killing, how do we know if we are in that 5%?

Anger, Rage, these are powerful emotions, ones we cant always control. Ones that could go to far without us knowing it. We all do stupid things when we are angry, say stupid things, hurt people we shouldn't, sometimes we even take our anger out on the unsuspected- people we shouldn't.

Self control

Is something we must practice, I do. I know its the only way to control my anger, because in one moment one slip of that control we can make mistakes, no one knows what the mind of a murderer is like. And no one knows how it began...